Wednesday, August 31, 2011

brooklyn grange rooftop farm dinner

We went to our Outstanding in the Field dinner last eve
at the Brooklyn Grange, a one acre rooftop farm in Queens, NY.
 jim denevan, the founder with the staff from ABC Kitchen.

 andrew loves it!

 glazed donut + peach + blueberry crostada = dessert

 ben flanner, the founder + farmer sat next to me.
lucky me...I asked him a zillion interesting.
 katie + jim giving a little history about 
outstanding....this was their first rooftop dinner.

brooklyn grange heirloom tomatoes with chilis + basil = DEElish

 view of manhattan skyline + farm

 see the table in the background?
usually there is one long table...but last eve there were 3.

everything was perfect.

a part of the staff from ABC Kitchen.

Last eve was a very high light of my summer!
Thank goodness Irene did not hinder our plan
Hallelujah! Our power went back on yesterday!

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